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  • Law

  • Policy

  • Research

  • Writing

I am a law student with a flair for legal research and analysis, policy development, and writing.

I am an avid reader and researcher, with several published research works in reputable national and international journals, some of which rank in the top download lists on occasion. My academic prowess and legal analytical skills have earned me several awards, recognitions, and invitations to join and contribute to several academic fora of national and international interest. I am currently a member of the Scientific Network on Housing and Eviction Rights (the EVICT Project), a research project uniting professors, Ph.D. researchers, and postgraduate researchers in the field of housing law and funded by the European Research Council.

My Works

Frankline Chisom Ebere

Policy Articles & Thought Leadership

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My Investigations on African Human Rights Jurisprudence

"An African Jurisprudential Analysis of the Limits of Human Rights."

Through the years of its development, the concept of human rights has been imbued with the quality of universality. This has consequently given rise to attempts at harmonisation of the specifics of human rights, with specific efforts targeted at creating a uniform standard or benchmark for its evaluation. As these attempts are made, many jurisdictions, particularly in Africa, fail to meet the benchmark largely set by the western world, thus leading to allegations of human rights abuses or disrespect.

This study essentially investigates the jurisprudential standpoint of human rights within the African continent, building on the foundation of an African jurisprudence as distinct from a universal approach to the study of human rights. It attempts to determine the discrepancies and limitations in the concept of human rights as universally accepted and sustainable under African ethical and jurisprudential considerations.

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"To live in a world where our ethos is deeply rooted in humanity, empathy, and care, with a great sense of responsibility to the natural order."

Frankline Chisom Ebere
Frankline Chisom
My Vision

My Professional Affiliations

Where I cut my teeth and drive impact.

I am professionally affiliated with several bodies and organizations, including Forte Consults, which I chair and which provides professional writing services to a wide range of clients; Ahmadu Bello University, where I evolve as a law student; the EVICT project, where I research the right to housing and evictions; the Young Institute for Transnational Arbitration; the Young International Council for Commercial Arbitration; and the Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration, among others, where I evolve as a member.

Research Publications

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